The teacher was worried about Kerala Govt’s decision to cut staff – News2IN
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The teacher was worried about Kerala Govt’s decision to cut staff

The teacher was worried about Kerala Govt's decision to cut staff
Written by news2in

Kochi: Although the evaluation plus one final exam answer sheet will begin on Wednesday, the teachers are worried about the government’s decision to reduce the number of staff, including administrative officers and clerks in valuation camps, which will affect the smooth function of the camp.
In accordance with new directions, if one teacher is absent, the rest in the team must divide the absent workload also because the evaluation must be resolved according to the schedule.
The teacher association accused that there was a high opportunity to make mistakes in evaluation and tabulation worked because of the workload of the teacher.
They also accused the key answers from all subjects compiled by junior teachers in such a way as to liberalize student evaluation.
“There are 80 evaluation centers and there are 53 subjects in a plus one.
The number of administrative officers, tabulating officials and clerks, which are very important for each camp, has decreased in all centers in various proportions.
Those who evaluate papers must sprinkle signs, which need High accuracy.
The lack of sufficient staff and additional workloads to officials may need to lead to some mistakes and teachers must bear an error if there are complaints, “said Anil M George, Secretary General of the State Department of the Department of Middle School (HSSTA).
S Manoj, Secretary General of the State Secondary Teacher Association (AHSTA), said that the decision to start an evaluation before the completion of the exam was wrong.
In addition, some centers are influenced by floods and teachers may find it difficult to reach there because heavy rain is estimated from Wednesday.
“Teachers who are experts in their subjects are not included in the finalization team scheme of the test added one.
The key answers to be designed by the Junior Teacher chosen by the Teacher’s Pro-Government Association.
The aim is to give a sign freely because direction is given to provide full value For certain questions even if the answer is incomplete.
This will affect the quality of students, “Manoj said.

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