The top 1 million UE daily case for the first time – News2IN

The top 1 million UE daily case for the first time

The top 1 million UE daily case for the first time
Written by news2in

Omicron has survived in the European Union, where the daily case of Coronavirus exceeded 1 million on Wednesday for the first time since the start of Pandemi, Bloomberg reported.
Although the symptoms of Omicron are mostly mild, the government is still worried about the pressure on hospitals and wider health services, and has increased the steps – and the language – to force people to be vaccinated.
The day after French President Emmanuel Macron slammed people who did not take Coronavirus’s shots, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday about the anti-vaccine campaigners “” Mumbo Jumbo “and” bullshit “in the heaviest attack on those who opposed Covid.
– 19 JABS.
“I want to tell the anti-Vax campaigners, people who put this Mumbo Jumbo on social media: they are truly wrong,” Johnson told Jour Nalists.
“You haven’t heard me say that before, because I think it’s important we have a voluntary approach in this country and we will keep a voluntary approach, “he said.
Johnson said it was” really crazy “that ICU in England – was among the worst European countries hit by a pandemic, with the death virus almost 150,000 – Filled with those who are not vaccinated.
Pandemic in France has become a direct political problem because the country suffers from a Covid record case in Europe.
France wipes Orkan 261,481 new infections on Thursday, less than a record of more than 332,000 on Wednesday, but the average Sevenday moves from a new case up far above 200,000 for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic.
The French Parliament on the Macron plan was proven on Thursday to pass the vaccine to help curb the spread of Omicron after a chaotic debate was shaken by the President’s comments that he wanted to “peel” not vaccinated.
Legislation will go to the Senate before the final voting in the National Assembly.
People in France for several months must show proof of vaccination or Covid-19 tests negative to enter venes such as cinemas and cafes and use trains.
But with delta and omicron infection soaring, the government decided to drop the test option in the new bill.
The vaccine pass rules will apply to all over-16.
European countries have grabbed with whether to force residents to be vaccinated through the mandate.
Italy on Wednesday made Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for people from the age of 50 years, with teachers and public health workers have been obliged to get a shot.
Previously at The Meday, a record of 1,89,000 new infections was confirmed in the country around 59 million people.
Austria kept the not locked up at home last month after lifting partial lock.
In February, this country will be the first in Europe to make mandatory vaccines for most people.
The German Bundestag is also expected to immediately begin to debate the introduction of vaccine mandates, and officials said it could be valid since around March.
Meanwhile, Brazil said on Wednesday that it would continue with voluntary vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years and dropped plans to need a doctor’s prescription.
On the peak bidding of the teenager from Omicron, USD CDC on Wednesday expanded the feasibility of Pfizer-Bontech Booster to 12 to 15 years.

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