The woman committed suicide at Bihar Darbhanga – News2IN
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The woman committed suicide at Bihar Darbhanga

The woman committed suicide at Bihar Darbhanga
Written by news2in

Patna: A young woman’s sub-inspector suspected of committing suicide by shooting herself in the barracks near the University Police Station in Darbhanga District on Friday.
The deceased, Laxmi Kumari (28), was a resident of Ward Number 11 under the city police station in Supulul.
This is his first post after joining services in 2018 and completed training in September this year.
He used the service revolver to commit suicide between 12:30 a.m.
and 2 am on Friday after returning from the patrol assignment at around 10:30 a.m.
He looks normal, said the police source.
Introduction Investigations show that Laxmi shot himself in a few minutes after talking by telephone to the male batchmate, who was recently engaged to someone.
The problem was revealed when his roommate, the sense of Kumari, returned to his room around 4 in the morning after his assignment at the University Police Station at the night shift.
The room was locked from inside and Laxmi did not respond.
The cellphone is also turned off.
Satya Prakash University Police Station said there were no suicide records found from the room.
“His body was found lying in his kitchen in a pool of blood,” he said.
Sho said empty cartridges and pellets were restored while the service gun was found near his right hand.
“Prima facie seems like he shot himself at the temple.
His parents arrived.
They haven’t filed a written complaint or record the statement,” he said.
City SP, Darbhanga, Ashok Kumar Prasad told TI by telephone that forensic experts collected samples for analysis.
“Laxmi’s parents also failed to say anything,” he said.
Prasad said the meaning could be questioned.
The police have learned that Laxmi’s parents looked for a boy who was suitable for her marriage.
He said the police analyzed the detailed detail of Laxmi’s cellphone and found that he was talking to someone until midnight.
“It seems like he shot himself in anger.
Bluetooth hearing device used to talk on the phone was also found there,” he said.

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