Thiruvananthapuram: Hunger Strike Family Stages – News2IN
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Thiruvananthapuram: Hunger Strike Family Stages

Thiruvananthapuram: Hunger Strike Family Stages
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The parents of the eight-year-old girl harassed by a Pink Police officer in Attingal last month said that the incident had left a permanent scar in his mind and now he was afraid of anyone in Khaki.
“A few days ago, I took him out of the house.
On the road we found two KSEB staff wearing khaki uniforms.
He suddenly panicked and clenched my fists, “said his father Jayachandran.
He said that Ironically, this happened when he took him for small walks as suggested by the doctor during counseling to help him forget a terrible experience.
Jayachandran and Rekha’s wife went on a hunger strike in front of the Secretariat here on Saturday to register their protests against the apathy of the police against them.
They alleged that even though Inspector General (South Zone) was directed by the Chief of the State Police to register the case and launch the probe on August 31, IG has not recorded a family statement.
“Until now, no one from the police department has contacted us in connection with this case.
No recorded statement means they have not even started the probe, “Jayachandran said.
They openly harassed by Pink Police officers Rejitha in Attingal on August 27.
Officers accused the father and daughter stole his cellphone from the Pink Police Patrol forces.
He went on to say that he was sure of their appearance that they were thieves.
He even tried to take him to the police station because he was fast.
Then, the phone was found from his bag stored in the car.
The family said if the police continued with their apathy, they would approach the court.

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