“Those who live in South Sindhu are Hinduism – News2IN
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“Those who live in South Sindhu are Hinduism

"Those who live in South Sindhu are Hinduism
Written by news2in

Letter: Head of RSS Mohan Bhagwat during a two-day visit to the letter to give its own definition of Hindutva said that all who lived in the south of the Sindhu River (Indus) was Hindu.
He spoke at Prabudhh Goshthi – Meeting the leading people of the city letter which included doctors, engineers, cas, lawyers, and leading academics, on Tuesday.
“Hindutva has three meanings: darshanik, dishes and rashtriaty (philosophical, worldly / secular, nationality).
Those who live in the south of Sindhu (Indus) River to the sea are Hinduism,” Bhagwat said, according to Rashtriya Swayammad Sangh (RSS) .
He was then explained, “Rashtra (Nation) is a society of those related to the same culture and purpose.
Nationalism comes from the philosophical meaning of the Hindutva.” Bhagwat on Wednesday met with the Representative of the Diamond Industry, Textile and Hazira in a separate meeting.
“This is an informal meeting to share knowledge about RSS and its purpose,” said an official RSS city.

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