Thousands fled more fire outside Athens in the middle of the heat wave – News2IN

Thousands fled more fire outside Athens in the middle of the heat wave

Thousands fled more fire outside Athens in the middle of the heat wave
Written by news2in

Athens: Thousands of residents fled to the safety of a fire burned for the fourth day in the north of Athens in early Friday, during the last night’s battle to stop the flames that reached a population, installation and historic sites.
In the condition of a heat wave, the flames penetrated the forest area of ​​20 kilometers (12.5 miles) north of the capital, destroying more houses.
Land crew from several hundred firefighters dig fire and light a fire.
Traffic was stopped on the main highway of the country that connected Athens to North Greece, because the crew tried to use the road as a barrier to stop the advanced fire before the plane that dropped water can continue in the first light.
But the splash and pinus cone burned fire across the highway at several points.
Some firefighters and volunteers were hospitalized with burns, said health officials.
“We will go through the 10th day of the main heat waves that affect our entire country, worst heat waves in terms of intensity and duration of the last 30 years,” Fire Service Brig.
Said Gen Aristotelis papadopoulos.
Nearly 60 villages and settlements were evacuated Thursday and Friday morning at Southern Greece, with weather conditions expected to deteriorate.
The fire went berserk on Evia Island, northeast of Athens, and in various locations in the South Peloponnese area where the fire was stopped before reaching the monument in Olympia, the birthplace of an ancient Olympiad.
A summer palace outside Athens had been used by a former Greek royal family also spared.
The fire truck crew and water shooter and helicopters from five European countries will arrive on Friday and throughout the weekend when the European Union increases support for countries that are beaten in Southeast Europe.
Heat waves have also triggered deadly fires in Turkey and throughout the region.

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