Two NMC dept involved in fake contract fraud – News2IN
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Two NMC dept involved in fake contract fraud

Written by news2in

Nagpur: The initial investigation (NMC) Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has revealed involvement of several staff from two departments in fake contract fraud.
The Civic’s body has recovered the RS67 Lakh paid to a private company, filed a complaint with the conscious police station, and was also published indicating notice to six staff.
Toi is the first to report about fake contract fraud on Tuesday.
A contractor who runs five different companies in his names and family members has prepared 42 fake contracts with fake signatures of Chief Medical Officer Dr.
Sanjay Chilkar and other staff from the NMC health department.
He never supplied material but paid RS67.08,630 payment from the account and financial department.
NMC Supplementary City Commissioner Ram Joshi conducted a preliminary investigation and found this fake contract prepared between December 20, 2020, and March 31, 2021.
“After filing files with the account and financial department, the relevant department is generating an online bill in the payment module developed by NMC under the project e-governance.
Then, the department head must clean it online.
The bill applies to the account department and online finance.
Account staff and the Ministry of Finance must cross bills online with files.
All fake contracts are the Ministry of Health but the bill is generated and approved by the Administrative Department General (GAD).
A GAD staff is in Convance with the contractor.
This staff also has a username and password head Gad, and uses it to process approval, “he said.
Joshi added the account staff and the Ministry of Finance approved the bill and released payment even though the bill was produced by GAD and the file was the Ministry of Health.
“Even files are made without numbers, which we use to track them online.
This is known as the letter number and file management (LFMS).
Still, accounts and finance departments approve disbursed bills and payments,” he said.
Thus, the preliminary investigation has expressed the involvement of several GAD staff and accounts and the Ministry of Finance in fraud.
Joshi said the NMC had restored the number when the check was cleaned a day ago.
Chilkar filed a complaint with the police station aware against five companies – Sudarshan Paper Conversion, Manohar Sakode and Brothers, Swastic Trade Link, Stationary and Lurukrippa Printer, and SSK Company Rajesh Mesesham, Assistant Commissioner (GAD) Mahesh Dhamecha, senior officer at Gad Mohan Mohan Padwanshi, Auditor Sy Nagdive and Auditor Ahmed Ahmed, “he said.
Notifications have been issued for Dhamecha when he gives a username and password to his subordinates.
PI from Conscious Vinod Chaudhari said ongoing investigations and violations would be registered after the completion settlement.
After the process of fraud is waiting for permission to the relevant department for cross examination * discussion on how to check whether the fake contract was prepared before too

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