UK set a new record for the Covid case as an Omicron swept London – News2IN
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UK set a new record for the Covid case as an Omicron swept London

UK set a new record for the Covid case as an Omicron swept London
Written by news2in

LONDON: England reported another day of Covid-19 case record on Friday, with new estimates that showed London’s population plots carrying a virus, underlining non-stop progress from the Omicron variant.
The rapid spread of Omicron has pushed a surge in cases over the past seven days, especially in the capital.
About 1 in 20 London people may have Covid-19 on December 16 and initial estimates – which cannot be revised – showing this may increase to 1 out of 10 on Sundays, models of offices for National Statistics (ONS) show on Friday.
Many industries and transportation networks struggle with the shortage of staff as self-helpers who are sick, while hospitals in the UK have warned the risk of impact on patient safety.
However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has risked a significant political capital at Christmas 2021 to be “much better” than the previous year, on Tuesday putting out new restrictions before the day itself, said that there was uncertainty about the severity of omicrons and inpatient levels .
Government data showed 122,186 new cases, up from 119,789 on Thursday and marked the third day of the case of more than 100,000.
While the latest research on Omicron suggests having a lower level of hospitalization than the previous variant of Covid-19, health officials have maintained a careful note about prospects.
“There is a glimmer of Christmas hope …
but it is clearly not at the point where we can reduce the serious threat,” Jenny Harries, the Head of the British Health Security Agency, told the BBC.
“What we get now is a very fine balance between something that looks like a lower risk of hospitalization – which is good news – but both variants that are very transmitting and what we know avoid some of our immune defenses.” On Friday the government reported 137 new deaths within 28 days of the positive Covid-19 test, down from 147 on Thursday, and bringing total during a pandemic to 147,857 – the highest in Europe.
ONS said the prevalence increased in all parts of England, with Scotland showed the lowest infection rate at 1 out of 65 people on December 19.
ONS estimates show around 1 in 35 people in the UK – equivalent to 1.54 million people – infected with Covid-19 for six days until December 19.
Early modeling the following days suggested that it could increase to more than 2 million people on Sundays, or around 1 in 25.

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