Under new guidelines, no need to close the school if students change positively – News2IN
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Under new guidelines, no need to close the school if students change positively

Under new guidelines, no need to close the school if students change positively
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The new guideline for the re-opening of the school seems to move along the philosophy of ‘Learning to live with Covid’ because it has ruled out any school closure if a student feels positive.
Previously, the school would be closed anywhere from three days to a week after students were infected.
The current standard operating procedure (SOP) mandates a 15-day house quarantine from infected students and ‘close contact’.
SOP does not leave ambiguity regarding the definition of close contact.
It is said that students sit on benches soon in front, back and positive sides of students must be considered ‘close contact’.
Everything must follow the quarantine of a mandatory 15-day house, while the rest of the class can continue.
This guideline clearly mentions that when a student turns positive, no one has to ‘panic’ and calmly follow the SOP.
SOP further to describe what protocols must be followed by students who are in quarantine.
“If they don’t show any symptoms, then the test must be done after five or 10 days” the guide said.
Health experts say the state government has made the right decision by announcing SOP.
Mrudula Phadke, senior adviser of the Maharashtra government and also for UNICEF for children’s health and nutrition, “I believe the state government’s decision is justified because there is no medical data that points to the need to turn off the entire school.
Students may also walk on the road, so it’s not That means that everything along the road is turned off.
“Vidarbha college teacher association (VJCTA) felt the decision was good.
Ashok Gavankar, Secretary General, said, “We also do not adapt our lifestyle to Covid and it is good that now all schools do not need to be closed.
Because at school so that it says 365 students, even if someone gets positive every week, the school will never open Back.
The practical approach has been taken by the state.
“However, the officials of the Nagpur Education Department, did not realize the SOP.
Ravindra Katolkar, District Education Officer told Tii that they were still following the previous one.
“The GR says that older SOPs must be followed.
So, we turn off school for two or three days if a student is found positive,” said Katolkar.
However, older SOPs must be followed only if there is no contradictory mentioned for that effect on the latest.
For example, when school reopened at the end of 2020, the teacher was only asked to undergo RT-PCR.
But now in 2022, with vaccines available, taking shots is also a rule.
Likewise, the guidelines ‘no school closure’ came into force since January 20 when uploaded on the state government website.
Furthermore was ratified in the order of January 31 by the Commissioner of the City of Nagpur, which was surprising, the local education department seems to have been answered.

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