US: 3 Dead in Amtrak Sangguran Train – News2IN
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US: 3 Dead in Amtrak Sangguran Train

US: 3 Dead in Amtrak Sangguran Train
Written by news2in

Montana: The Amtrak train traveling from Chicago to Seattle slipped in remote North Montana on Saturday which resulted in the death of at least three people.
The three deaths were confirmed by the Sheriff Liberty County department.
Officials did not say how many were injured, reported ABC news.
Five cars on the train, Empire Builder 7/27, slipped around 4 pm local time near Joplin, according to Amtrak.
There were around 147 passengers and 13 members of the crew on the train, Amtrak said.
Some passengers on the train share the pictures of the cars in front of the track, with some leading on their side, reporting ABC news.
Not immediately clear what caused a velection of officials and officials had not confirmed the total number of injured people.

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