Vadodara: There is no alarming surge in Covid case after the celebration – News2IN
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Vadodara: There is no alarming surge in Covid case after the celebration

Vadodara: There is no alarming surge in Covid case after the celebration
Written by news2in

Vadodara: As was feared before, there was no major surge in the number of new Covid-19 cases even though Navratri was celebrated with enthusiasm, although in smaller events and meetings during the festival.
The increase that can be ignored in the number of new cases has collected several eyebrows, but since then the curve has dropped.
In addition, there are almost no new cases reported, the number of active cases in the city and the district has reached the number at the start of the first wave of pandemic.
Since Friday, the number of active cases remained at 11.
It was only at the beginning of the first wave in March that the city and district had witnessed active cases in this number.
The number of active cases in the city and district has reached 12 on September 16, after that the count continues to grow.
At present, there are no new cases reported for four consecutive days – from Tuesday to Friday.
On Saturday, only one new case reported.
Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) officials said that of the 11 active cases only two hospitalizations needed.
One patient was accepted at SSG Hospital (SSGH) while others were being treated at a private hospital.
Only patients in SSGH that support oxygen.
“At present, the situation is very controlled.
Most of the patients are being treated at home,” said the VMC Medical Health Officer Dr.
Devesh Patel.
Patel added that the reason for a significant decline in the number of patients who needed hospitalization was still unknown.
Previously, VMC data had hinted that people who were vaccinated were increasingly infected but almost none of them needed hospitalization.

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