VAX teenagers fail to collect steam in the city – News2IN

VAX teenagers fail to collect steam in the city

Written by news2in

Vadodara: Covid-19 teen vaccination that meets the requirements in the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) area has seen a large swim after a teenager in this age group does not appear for Jab and their officials now see how to encourage them to inoculate.
When the vaccination drive starts for this category on January 3, at all 19.128 vaccinated within the VMC limit.
This has now ripped only 312 teenagers who qualified on Tuesday.
Vaccination was damaged by lack of doses for several days.
If the Civic body official will be trusted, the covaxin dose used for teen vaccinations is now available.
This seems to be possible because their colleagues in the district rural areas have not complained about any shortfall.
VMC officials said that vaccination drives for teenagers focused on a big way to manage shots at school.
However, with offline classes that are not done at school, this has become a challenge now.
The VMC Health Department has now reached the District Education Officer (Deo) asking him to talk to school.
“We have asked them to talk to school.
Schools can ensure that students who are not vaccinated appear for vaccination,” said the VMC (health) medical officer Dr.
Devesh Patel.
An official in Panchayat Regency said that in rural areas, his vaccination was high because health workers had fanneded and ensured that all boys and women who met the requirements of taking vaccines.
“The community is more closely knitted and we have a good footsoldiers to mobilize beneficiaries,” the official said.

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