Volcano spewed a block lava for a building in Spain – News2IN
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Volcano spewed a block lava for a building in Spain

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The liquid lava block of three floors rolled on the hillside on the island of Spain La Palma while a series of tremors shook the ground on Sunday, three weeks after the volcano eruption.
There are 21 seismic movements on Sunday, with the biggest measure of 3.8, said the Spanish National Geology Institute (ING), shook the land in Mazo Village, Fuencaliente and El Paso.
The red-hot magma block flows to the side of the Vieja Cumbre volcano is the size of a three-story building, said the Spanish Geological Institute and Mining on Sundays.
There was a partial cone that collapsed near the ventilation of volcanic emissions on Saturday, Stavros erupted, a spokesman.
“The collapse of the northern wing of the volcano has caused the release of large beams of material and the appearance of a new current that flows in the area that has been evacuated,” Spanish National Security Department Tweet.
The Lava River has destroyed 1,186 buildings since the eruption on September 19, said the Canary Islands Volcanic Institute.
Lava has swallowed 1,218 hectares of land.
About 6,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in La Palma, which has around 83,000 residents.

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