Wb: med toy omikron case 1 sans int’l travel history – News2IN
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Wb: med toy omikron case 1 sans int’l travel history

Wb: med toy omikron case 1 sans int'l travel history
Written by news2in

Kolkata: A 23-year-old intern from the medical college hospitals of Kolkata, which has no history of recent international travel, has tested positive for Omicron.
Covid young doctors detected a week ago and were in home insulation.
He was hospitalized in Beliaghata ID late Friday after a report confirming genomesequencingnya Omicron.
Other omicron cases confirmed on Saturday that a 45-year-old man who flew to the city of Tanzania on Tuesday and sent to the institutional isolation in hospital CNCI Covid in Rajarhat on the test-positive Covid.
This takes the tally Omicron in the state to seven.
Five patients omicron is under treatment in different hospitals in the city while two – a boy aged seven years and a man aged 49 years who had tested positive on arrival in Telangna and New Delhi – have been recovered.
All five patients stable.
Medical college intern cases without travel history have sent alarm bells ringing in the medical fraternity because it can show the local transmission of new variant in the state.
“He is a medical professional and may come into contact with patients.
But without confirmation we can not say whether he actually come into contact with someone with Omicron.
It is too early to conclude about the transmission of the community at this time.
Three of the ignition near’ve tracked , “said Ajay Chakraborty, Director of Health Services.
‘Contact JR Doc mengidentifikasi’According close to the source, the internship is a convict Dr Bc Roy hostel accommodates students of Medical MBBS.
About a week ago, she had a fever, sore throat, and a cough that he underwent RT-PCR test on December 20.
When the test experienced positive results, he left the dorm to his home in Krishnagore and is under home isolation.
Once the health department officials to get a positive report Omicron her on a Friday night, it was picked up and taken to the Hospital Beliaghata ID.
Samples have been sent to NIBMG internal Kalyani as part of the protocol to sequence all of the positive samples Covid from Kolkata who has a CT value less than 30 to determine whether the transmission OMICRON happening in the community.
TOI on Thursday had reported that all of the positive samples Covid with a lower value of 30 CT being sent for genome sequencing.
“This is the first sample with no travel history to test positive Omicron.
We did not hit the panic button, but we will improve oversight,” said a senior health official.
According to health officials, exposure Omicron-positive patients could be one source of infection for medical interns who have attended the OPD and indoor environmental patients regularly before covid-positive test.
What concerns the officials who he lived in hostels and have been in close contact with several students and interns MBBS.
Sources at the Medical College, said some close contacts have been identified and they are not allowed to move out of their dorm rooms.
Everything will undergo tests Covid.
“The condition of children aged 23 years was very stable.
Apart from mild symptoms such as sore throat and problems of anxiety and hypertension, he did not have such serious problems now.
He underwent conservative treatment for infection Covid,” said pulmonologist Kausik Chaudhuri, Nodal Officer for Covid in ID Hospital.

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