‘We don’t have a job, water’: riots in Pakistan Gwadar – News2IN
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‘We don’t have a job, water’: riots in Pakistan Gwadar

'We don't have a job, water': riots in Pakistan Gwadar
Written by news2in

New Delhi: China’s multibilty-dollar projects in Pakistan have been the cause of the main riots in the country with massive protests erupting in the port of Gwadar where Beijing has built a deep sea port as part of China-Pakistan’s economic corridor worth $ 60 billion (CPEC).
The head ‘gave the right to Gwadar’ Rally Maulana Hidayat Ur Rehman said that despite building a sea port in Gwadar, the city people were still unemployed.
We don’t have electricity or strength, and we feel insulted every time we are stopped at various security checkpoints, he added.
The fishermen in the area, meanwhile, said Islamabad had issued a license to Chinese trawls for fishing in coastal waters, making it almost unemployed because their small ships could not compete.
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