Which warns Omicron overload because China, Europe imposes new sidewalks – News2IN
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Which warns Omicron overload because China, Europe imposes new sidewalks

Which warns Omicron overload because China, Europe imposes new sidewalks
Written by news2in

Berlin: WHO warned on Tuesday that the Omicron coronavirus variants can lead to a health care system that is exceptional although preliminary studies show that it leads to milder disease, as China and Germany to bring back the limits of new infections.
China put hundreds of thousands more under lockdown, while infections hit new highs in several US states and European countries.
Covid spike-19 has wreaked havoc throughout the world, with many countries trying to achieve a balance between economic restrictions that punish and control the spread of the virus.
The United States has split two periods of isolation for cases of asymptomatic to try and blunt the disruption, while France has ordered the company to have employees work from home at least three days a week.
Contact restrictions in Germany for the second year in a row to the new year, when the nightclub closed Europe’s largest economy and forced a sports competition behind closed doors.
Although the outbreak are much smaller than the virus hotspots globally, China has not relaxed the strategy of “zero covid”, impose orders to stay at home in many parts of the city of Yan’an.
Hundreds of thousands of affected people there to join the 13 million people in the city of Xi’an, which entered the sixth day home confinement because China is battling the highest daily number of cases within 21 months.
“I’ll die of starvation,” wrote a resident of Xi’an on Weibo platforms such as Twitter.
“There is no food, my housing compound will not let me out, and I’ll run out of instant noodles …
please help!” Many residents alike Xi’an complaining on social media about the restrictions, including a ban on driving and only one member of the household who are allowed to go out for groceries every three days.
The key to this is the most sweeping in China since a similar-sized city of Wuhan cut off from the world in the early days of the pandemic.
The surge in many countries has been driven by Omicron very mentranslima variants.
WHO warns against complacency despite initial findings indicate that the Omicron can cause milder disease.
“Omikron rapid growth …
Even if combined with a slightly milder disease, they will produce a large number of hospitalization, especially among groups that are not vaccinated, and caused widespread disruption to the health system and other critical services,” warned European covid incident.
Manager Catherine Smallwood.
To withstand waves, European countries brings back the sidewalk with the economic and social consequences are painful.
Faced with record-high infection, France stopped issuing orders to stay at home but asking employers to make staff work from home three days a week if possible.
Sweden and Finland require a negative test for non-resident travelers entering from Tuesday, a day after Denmark – which currently has the highest infection rate in the world per capita – applying the same size.
In Germany, private meetings are now limited to 10 people who were vaccinated – or two households where everyone who is not vaccinated soon – and a night club has been closed.
All sports competition will now be held behind closed doors.
“Something must be done to bring down the infection figures,” said the resident of Berlin told AFP TV.
But not all accept these measures.
Thousands of protesters continue march in Germany on Monday on Monday against the pavement, with some throwing fireworks or bottle and leave at least 12 police officers were injured.
Outside of social strife, pandemics have punished economically, especially for sectors like travel.
Around 11,500 flights have been removed throughout the world since Friday, and tens of thousands more delayed, during one of the busiest travel periods of the year.
Some airline blamed staff shortages caused by spikes omicron case.
The surge in the US has been fueled by Omicron variants, as well as large pockets of unvaccinated population and lack of access to testing quick and easy.
President Joe Biden said Monday some US hospitals could be “flooded” but the country was generally well prepared.
He stressed that Omicron will not have the same impact as the initial or surge covid plague Delta variant of this year.
“Omicron is a source of concern, but it should not be a source of panic,” said Biden.
In an effort to prevent mass labor shortage during the surge, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday Cut the isolation period for asymptomatic cases from 10 to five days.
The US is the nation hardest hit by the pandemic, and daily highs approaching 250,000 cases recorded last January.

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