Wing’s economic wing to command the charges of KIN against the Senior BJP leader Chandrashekhar Bawankule – News2IN
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Wing’s economic wing to command the charges of KIN against the Senior BJP leader Chandrashekhar Bawankule

Wing's economic wing to command the charges of KIN against the Senior BJP leader Chandrashekhar Bawankule
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Economic Wing Wing (EOW) from the Branch of Nagpur City Police Crime will investigate the complaints submitted by Suraj Tatode against Senior BJP Neta and MLC Chandrashekhar accused him of using malpractice, corruption and also seizing used properties.
Tatode is a close relative of gakukan.
EOW will also investigate the Suraj motif behind complaints.
Relatively leveled serious charges against former state energy ministers.
In a press conference held on January 31 and through a letter dated February 3 submitted to the police department, Tatode has claimed to be a witness for “Corruption of the Tone of Crores Rupees conducted by different department ministers, especially between 2015 and 2018”.
Tatode has also written to the Minister of Chief and the Minister of Home Affairs who claims that Bawankule enjoys illegal monetary benefits in a number of road projects in and around Nagpur.
Bawankule, who claimed his family had protected Tatode and his two brothers, said that he would approach the police commissioner to demand a thorough investigation into the episode “plotted to tarnish the image through relatives who might be misled by opportunistic people”.
“He (TATODE) is a leveling accusation that refers to the events that occurred several years ago.
Why did he not bring him to notice competent authority immediately.
Why wait for years and just complain now?” Bawankule said.
Bawankule also tried to find out to have one of the contractors, officials and private people named with advanced tatodes to support the claim.
The former minister stated that his wife Jyoti had helped tatodes in establishing a family.
Bawankule further said that he had served a notification of defamation about RS50 Crore to social activists who claimed that he had a property worth RS5,000 Crore.
“If someone believes this, then why not challenge my selection affidavit where I have stated my assets?” she says.
MLC also claimed that Tatode was no less than a son for him and “his wife and two brothers, Dhiraj and Niraj, lived in his house”.
“I received the best treatment made for serious illness related to his brain he suffered in 2018.
I used to visit the hospital daily,” he said.
Toi has a copy of the complaint where TATODE claims that when working for Bawankule he brought around RS50 Crore from Mumbai to Nagpur during demonetization and parked money in a different place.
He also claimed to have handled almost RS100 Crore accepted as a “monetary satisfaction on behalf of Bawansule” from various road construction companies, contractors, recipients of tenders, agents and other government officials.
He also mentions that some ranking officials and different files from the Department of Energy are hands-in-gloves with Bawankul.
He also claimed Bawankule asking one of the officials to marry his daughter to the son of the former minister.
In that complaint, Tatodes also accused that Bawankule and his coterie forced him to sell 51% of his shares in a construction company.
Three apartments at Ramdaspeth, several plots, including one in Noida, and two vehicles allegedly snatched from him.
Tatode also claimed that Bawankule accused him incorrectly accusing the abuse of the RS30 Lakh received from a contractor, causing him to a mental surprise and further illness.
Bawankule claimed he sold shares and other properties for a long time back with consideration.
“He (Tatode) just left a few days ago before leveling allegations against the family, especially my wife,” said Bawankule.
Tatodes said that his friends spent almost RS10-12 Crore on the Naivaidyam Northstar Hall interior decoration, which included many items brought from China by him.
Acknowledging this, Bawankule said, “My wife Jyoti took a RS20 crore loan for the same thing and paid it too.” Two old brothers of Suraj, Dhiraj and Neeraj, have approached the Koradi police station complaining that the condition of their sick brothers can be misused to oppose allegations of family members.
CP Amitesh Kumar said the application submitted by Bawankule and Suraj brothers were being transferred to EOW for an investigation.
“The overall probe will be done to all problems,” he said.
In the new clip distributed by Tatode’s wife, she was heard that the slander’s suit would be submitted to her brothers in my brothers and lives and others who called her husband’s husband.

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