With Merkel, candidates fail to inspire German voters – News2IN

With Merkel, candidates fail to inspire German voters

With Merkel, candidates fail to inspire German voters
Written by news2in

Berlin: Not politics makes it bored; Otherwise.
But Christoph Gillitzer was confused by who to vote in the election of German federal next month.
Retied Engineer said he usually supports underdogs, but the choices offered September 26 did not have it convincingly.
“It’s very difficult this time,” he said on the gloomy morning Berlin this week.
Like Gillitzer, most of the German voters remained hesitant to carry out parliamentary elections that would determine who succeeded Angela Merkel as a chancellor after 16 years in the office.
The latest survey shows that support for political parties has been leveled, without being expected to receive more than a quarter of the sound.
Merkel’s Union-Right Merkel and Social Democrats are neck and neck in polls, followed by the environment environment, which made their first offer for Chancellor.
“This is the first time that the Resilient Chancellor does not run again in the German election, so we have a totally new candidate table,” Gregor Zons said, a political scientist at the University of Heinrich Dusseldorf.
“For voters who have until now the selected Merkel, the situation is confusing.” German German service leader announced in 2018 that he would not look for the fifth term, trigger a series of messy leadership contests that ended with the Nomination Party Armin Laschet, North Rhine-Westphalia Governor, as the main candidate.
But Laschet stars took dive last month when his home country was hit by a deadly flood and the 60-year-old governor made a series of steps including laughing at the background of the President Germany.
He also flipped through the urgency of handling climate change, which experts had made disasters such as flooding more likely.
Green saw their ranking soaring in April after nominating Annalena Baerbock, 40, as a party candidate for Chancellor and announced news on events that were staged smoothly in contrast to their rival scratches.
Lumps in polls do not last long.
The lack of executive experience of Baerbock and flap over plagiarism in a book he wrote ended at the cost of supporting his party.
The recent polls by German public broadcasters Ard and ZDF showed several voters who wanted Laschet or Baerbock as Chancellor, increased their previous ranking from Olaf Scholz – German Finance Minister and Chancellor – and the Social Democratic Party.
The former Mayor of Hamburg and the federal minister of labor have been nicknamed “Scholzomat” for what critics say is a habit that often repeats the same phrase regardless of what questions he asks.
Lately, a 63-year-old minister has played his long experience in the government while deftly avoiding the center of attention to the crisis such as floods and Afghanistan, from where Germany, like other countries, panicking tries to evacuate its citizens and allies.
Surprised by the Taliban takeover.
Scholz’s main achievement at this time “lies not making a mistake,” said Zons political scientist.
Social Democrats have benefited from this careful approach.
One poll this week gave the party a small advantage over the Union block – the first for years.
Stefan Wurster, a policy analysis professor at Munich Engineering University, warned that the personal rating of candidates remained historically low, with most voters still choosing “nothing above.” “Many people don’t decide who will choose until they reach the voting booth,” he added.
Gillitzer, retired engineer, remains hesitant.
“Scholz cut the best figure, but he was also not fully clean,” he said, quoting the role of the finance minister who was unclear in two major financial scandals.
Merkel has taken a rear seat in the Union Block election campaign, and the advertising board has no face familiar by the German leader this year.
“The predecessors who ended their political work had to hold back – it was my position, my strong belief,” he said in a rare appearance because the party opened his official campaign last weekend.
Even the worst results of the party under the Chancellor – 32.9% of the votes in 2017 – a long shot appeared now.
Asked about the poor rating of Union Tuesday, Merkel, a veteran campaigner, offering a little wisdom for how the successor of the candidates could take the world’s biggest economic control.
“We will work every day to get good selection results and don’t see every day in the poll,” he said.

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