Women Draw the IRE Court for ‘Based Allegations’ – News2IN

Women Draw the IRE Court for ‘Based Allegations’

Women Draw the IRE Court for 'Based Allegations'
Written by news2in

Vadodara: The District Court on Tuesday allowed a survivor rape to attract its application that he had submitted to transfer a guarantee trial accused of the Additional District Judge Court of Patel to another court.
However, district judges asked the woman to submit an unconditional apology to the judge against who he made allegations.
The court also imposed Rs 1,000 fees at the Petitioner and asked him to deposit the number in the District Legal Service Authority on November 11.
“We argue in court on Tuesday that the allegations insult and withdrawal applications cannot be permitted.
The court observed that the allegations made by the woman were baseless,” said Advokat Hitesh Gupta, a lawyer one of the Ashok Jain was accused.
“The court also said that it could begin the insulting process of the woman but had refrained from doing it because she had drawn the transfer application,” said Gupta Toi.
They warned him to be careful and did not make such charges against the court in the future.
The woman, a 24-year-old legal student, held on October 29, submitted a request for the transfer of rape guarantees accused of being accused of Ashok Jain and Raju Bhatt from the Additional Court of Judge PT Patel to another court.
He claimed in the application that the defendant could be given guarantees and they could hurt him if they were out of prison.
He added that he did not have the remaining faith in the additional district court.
Gupta, however, said that the transfer application was conducted to reduce the case because of the hearing of Jain’s bail on Monday.
The girl who studied at a private university in Vadodara had submitted a rape case against Ashok Jain and Raju Bhatt at the Gotri police station in September this year.
He alleged that Jain, at the CA company he said, had spoiled his drink and raped him.
In his complaint, he said Bhatt also raped him in his flat and threatened him with a terrible consequence if he revealed it to anyone.
Jain is a leading rental accountant while Bhatt is a popular temple trustee in Pavagadh.

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