Women suffer from 90% of burns in a gas leak explosion – News2IN
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Women suffer from 90% of burns in a gas leak explosion

Written by news2in

Rajkot: The fire triggered by a gas leak from the cylinder left a man and his wife was injured in a residence built for more economically weaker parts in Jamnagar Street in the city on Friday.
When the victim, Madhu Parmar (52) began a gas stove inside the morning with a match, but there was a blast of the house swallowed by fire.
Parmar has suffered 90% burns and his condition is said to be critical, according to the doctors.
Dinesh’s husband, who rushed to help him, also suffered burns.
“I was sleeping in another room when I heard the explosion, so I went to see what had happened.
I saw my wife struggling to save her own and go to save her and suffer burns in my hand in the process,” said Dinesh.
Neighbors told 108 emergency service ambulances and firefighters who rushed to the hospital.
Used that the explosion was so strong that many doors, windows, and household items around it were damaged.
The couple had two sons and a daughter, who all slept upstairs and she did not accept injury.
According to the source, the LPG cylinder regulator has been obsolete and there is a leak.

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