‘You are not alone’: Delegation of the EU parliament told Taiwan on the first official visit – News2IN

‘You are not alone’: Delegation of the EU parliament told Taiwan on the first official visit

'You are not alone': Delegation of the EU parliament told Taiwan on the first official visit
Written by news2in

Taipei: The first official delegation of the European Parliament to Taiwan said on Thursday isolated isolated diplomatically not alone and called for the brave action to strengthen the UE-Taiwanese bond when Taipei faced increased pressure from Beijing.
Taiwan, who does not have a formal diplomatic bond with any European countries except Tiny Vatican City, interested in deepening relations with European Union members.
The visit came when China had increased military pressure, including a repetitive mission by Chinese fighter near Taiwan Democrats, who claimed Beijing as her and was not ruled out forcibly.
“We came here with a very simple message, very clear: You are not alone.
Europe stands with you,” Raphael Glucksmann, a Frenchman from the European Parliament, told Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen in the meeting board on Facebook.
“Our visit must be considered an important first step,” said Glucksmann, who led the delegation.
“But then we need a very concrete agenda of high-level meetings and concrete high-level concrete steps to build a much stronger UE-Taiwan partnership.” A three-day visit, organized by the European Parliament Committee on foreign interference in the process of democracy, will include exchanges with Taiwanese officials about threats such as disinformation and cyber attacks.
TSAI has warned to increase China’s efforts to gain influence in Taiwan, asking security institutions to fight infiltration efforts.
“We hope to build a democratic alliance against disinformation,” Tsai told the delegation at the President’s Office.
“We believe Taiwan and the EU can certainly continue to strengthen our partnership in all domains.” Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu traveled a rare trip to Europe last month who made Beijing anger, who warned host countries to resign complicated with China.
Fearing the retaliation from Beijing, most countries did not want to hold Taiwan’s senior ministers or send high-ranking officials to the island.
Last month, the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution to deepen the relationship with Taiwan, with steps such as looking into investment agreements.

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