6 days mega plans to cover the vax receiver at 5 grams of panthayats – News2IN

6 days mega plans to cover the vax receiver at 5 grams of panthayats

Written by news2in

Prayagraj: Drive Vaccination in rural areas, the Ministry of Health officials have roamed the Cho (Community Health Officer) and Anmm (Auxillient nursing midwives) separately and ask them to cover at least 50 receivers every day for the first dose in five.
Gram Panchayats witnessed the lowest vaccination.
The District Health Authority has taken the Mega six-day plan to discuss recipients who meet the requirements in the village from Monday, which will be valid until November 27.
This campaign was taken in 23 district blocks and separate teams took the door vaccination -door.
Officials said that after identifying at least five Panchayats the lowest gram vaccination in each block, the team has been asked to discuss recipients who meet the requirements that are somehow left for vaccination.
In addition, the war room (group) has also been formed at each level of block development and monitoring carried out by senior administrative health officials.
A senior health official, meanwhile, said, “The Ministry of Health has cleaned micro plans, including the formation of vaccination teams, left receiver surveys, public mobilization, routine monitoring, the roles and responsibilities of the vigilance committee to take vaccination in the countryside”.
“The team has also roamed to motivate families who are resistant to vaccination,” he added.
He also added that the Ministry of Health officials also coordinated with officials of the District Rural Development Agency, Panchayatraj officers, their own departments, the Ministry of Manpower, and ICD to take Vax campaigns effectively in rural areas.
“Land Health Officers – ANMS and Ashas – Visit each house in villages in all blocks according to the scheduled date and find details of recipients who have not been vaccinated,” said ImunizationOfficer District (DIO) and additional chairman of the Medical Officer (ACMO) Dr.
Teerath Lal , adding, “The whole exercise has produced useful results and the health team has increased vaccinations at Gram Panchayat with the lowest vaccination.” Until now, more than 40.35 lakh doses have been given so far, including 21.25 lakh men and women lakh 19.07 (both the first or second dose), in the Prayagraj district.
In addition, three weeks of this month have also witnessed active participation from sex that is fairly fair for vaccinations and this is evidenced by the fact that of 4.41,424 doses are given between November 1-21, as many as 2.34,274 receivers receive a dose, while the themeumber from colleagues Men are limited to 2.06.994.
The district health department official has set a target to manage the Covid-19 vaccine to around 45.16 Lakh receivers, including 33 LAKH recipients aged between 18-44 years, and 12.10 Lakh receivers aged over 45 years.
Officials claim that more than 65 percent of recipients targeted from all age groups are at least given the first dose, while the 24.4 percent of the recipients are targeted fully vaccinated until now.

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