AU Connection with Nobel Winner Research – News2IN

AU Connection with Nobel Winner Research

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Prasagraj: In the background of the fact that the Nobel Committee has provided physiology and medical and medical gifts to two US Ardem Patapoutian scientists and David Julius for their discovery of our molecular abilities to feel the temperature and touch, the Nobel award winner.
Research on capsaicin has indirect connections with the University of Allahabad.
Scientists, in their research, have used spicy ingredients in chili chili known as ‘capsaicin’ to describe their research on pain receptors.
The Nobel Committee has recognized the importance of capsaicin and gave a Nobel 2021 prize in physiology and medicine to them for their seminal discovery of the mechanism of sensing pain and living system temperature based on KapSaicin chemical action.
In the same line, the research group below Prof.
Si Rizvi in ​​the Biochemistry Department here has been involved in understanding the non-neuron effects of capsaicin for the past 15 years.
The research group has published a large number of research papers on the physiological and biochemical effects of capsaicin.
Speaking of this study, Prof.
Rizvi said that Capsaicin, chemicals that gave a ‘hot taste’ to Chillis, was a very interesting molecule.
“It is binding to the same nerve ending on the skin that brings pain sensation and also a temperature sensation.
When capsaicin binds at this nerve end, called nociceptor, nerves are activated and we experience the feeling of ‘hot’.
However, when capsaicin binds to nociceptor or receptor Pain for a longer time, the nerve becomes insensitive or numb, “he explained.
This capsaicin property makes nerves, which carries the sensation of pain, numbers have opened the possibility to use these spicy compounds to mitigate pain.
It is also a general observation that the food feels hotter when it is at a higher temperature.
This is because the capsaicin effect is added with hot temperatures, explaining Prof.
The research group at the University of Allahabad has been involved in research on capsaicin effects on cell membranes.
“We have explored new dimensions that focus on the question of why people in the hot climate area eat more chili,” he added.

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