The poor O2 supply at Haveri District Hospital is a concern – News2IN

The poor O2 supply at Haveri District Hospital is a concern

Written by news2in

Haveri: During the first wave and both pandemic, the death rate in Haveri was very high, and among the reasons cited by experts on the death of Covid-19 patients in the district was the wrong oxygen supply system in the district hospital.
However, the authorities concerned do not seem to learn lessons from the tragic experience of the first two waves as can be proven by the fact that the wrong system in the district hospital has not been repaired.
Spurt in the number of Covid-19 cases in Haveri, attention has changed, again, towards a damaged low-pressure oxygen supply system in the district hospital.
Although the district administration established a 1,000-liter oxygen factory in the district hospital place, the wrong system has resulted in patients in the intensive care unit not getting the amount of gas needed.
The lack of maintenance of the repetition system is being quoted as a cause of problems that have survived in the supply system.
During the first and second waves, patients were treated in the ICU, and those who were supplied by oxygen or in the ventilator, contributed most of the deaths in Haveri.
Fear among people from repeated problems if an outbreak occurs during the third wave can be understood.
The source said that, a Covid-19 patient experienced difficulty breathing may need between two to eight liters of oxygen per minute, depending on the severity of the individual condition.
Failure to maintain the level of pressure specified in the supply system can lead to patients who do not accept sufficient amount of oxygen.
“But the pressure was not maintained on the new system at the Haveri District Hospital even though the 1,000-liter oxygen plant was established in its place,” said a source.
The doctor at the hospital said that most of the pipes used the oxygen supply network had been replaced after the allegations of the determined pressure were not maintained.
“But the problem has not been completed completely, because we cannot meet the requirements to supply 4.2 liters of oxygen per minute.
Only 3.5 liters of oxygen per minute are provided.
Patients in ICU and ventilators, especially those who occupy the bed at the end of each ward -Masing is not supplied by oxygen at the pressure needed, “he said the hospital, and had sucked senior officials at the Ministry of Health about it.
“The problem will be corrected soon,” he said.

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