ABAP supports the new country population control policy – News2IN

ABAP supports the new country population control policy

Written by news2in

Prasagraj: Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad (ABAP), the peak decision-making agency from 13 Akhara Hinduism recognized or the country’s monastic order has supported the proposed new population policy brought by the Yogi government.
“The population explosion is a matter of deep concern.
The government must come out with strict law to control the population and the same thing to bind every citizen who lives in the state and all countries,” said President Narendra Narendra Giri in a statement issued for the media on Monday.
Giri said, “The rapid explosion of populations in this country and the state is also the reason for many major problems.
Therefore, it is very important that the population that continues to increase must be stopped immediately.” Abap’s head appealed to Muslim religious leaders to “accept the law proposed with sincerity and make people from religion they realize the need to have fewer children “.
“The increase in population directly affects the quality of education and medical systems in the country and the country.
On the other hand, Muslim religious leaders call the ‘gift of God’ children.
The law on controlling the population must be so strict that if the third child is born from any partner , they should not have the right to vote or the right to oppose the election.
Also, the Aadhaar card should not be issued for such people, “ABAP’s President demanded.
Giri asserted, “Three marriages were permitted in Muslim communities, so the wife might be three, but children should only be two throughout the family.” He then demanded that they have three children to be deprived of all government schemes.
“Only so this law can be strictly followed in the actual sense,” he added.
“The growing country population is the biggest problem, so people of all religions can get rid of this problem together.
Castale and religion should not be brought in the midst of population control measures.
Instead, remembering it as a challenge, everyone must follow the law taken.
For population control, “he said.
State Law Commission Uttar Pradesh released the first draft the proposed population control bill – titled Population of Uttar Pradesh (Control, Stabilization and Welfare) Bill, 2021 – on Fridays that have provisions for pounding people who have more than two children from the benefits of government schemes and benefits to those who follow two children’s policy.
Furthermore, anyone who violates the policy of two children in the state will be released from a quarrel of local bodies, from applying or getting promotions in government work, and receiving government subsidies.

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