AU students collect ₹ 7l through social media for cousin care – News2IN

AU students collect ₹ 7l through social media for cousin care

Written by news2in

Prasagraj: When the girls can only be released and do not understand how to overcome the difficult situation of facing them, a BA-LLB student of the third year of Allahabad University, Vartika Maurya has collected a donation for RS 7 lakh from netizens for the treatment of sick elders .
Cousin, Sandeep Maurya, Hails from the village of Sarai Sherkhan, located in the area of ​​Raniganj District Pratapgarh.
He runs a small general merchant shop in Kohdaur Pratapgarh, which is located about 20 km from the village.
Diagnosis with severe aplastic anemia, a condition that occurs when the body stops producing enough new blood cells, sandeep is recommended the urgent bone marrow transplant.
When Vartika came to know the condition of his cousin and that the family would not be able to find funds for treatment, he decided to find support on social media.
Netizens, known and unknown from all states, have up to now contributing to more than 7 lakh and their assistance still flows in.
“We made him treated in a private hospital in Doagraj.
However, the doctors called it to Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS, Lucknow) in June 2021,” Sharing 20-year-old children.
“Here he was diagnosed with severe Aplastic Anemia.
Sandeep’s Elder Sister, the Pratima bone marrow fits perfectly and he experienced a successful transplant in November, 2021 in SGPGIM,” added thrombotic microssiopathy (TMA), defined by the destruction of red blood cells, Low platelets, and organ damage due to the formation of microscopic blood clots in capillaries and small arteries.
This produces sandeep that requires daily plasma therapy.
But further complications have resulted in developing grafts versus host diseases (GVHD), and where doctors have now suggested that he experienced expensive ‘infusion of mesenchymal cells’ but potentially saturating, “he added.” We need the other RS ​​10 lakh that we hope, “Vartika explained, who along with his cousin and other relatives camped in Lucknow to take care of the treatment of sandeep under Dr.
Anshul Gupta in SGPGIMS.

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