BCCI’s sexual harassment policy brought Indian players to his pureview – News2IN

BCCI’s sexual harassment policy brought Indian players to his pureview

BCCI's sexual harassment policy brought Indian players to his pureview
Written by news2in

New Delhi: BCCI on Monday ratified the comprehensive prevention of sexual abuse policy (Posh) which also brought Indian Cricketers to Ambit.
Until now, BCCI does not have a specific policy to deal with sexual harassment problems.
This policy also applies to office carriers, APEX board members and IPL government councils next to Cricketers from the senior level to U-16.
In the nine-page document had PTI, BCCI stated that the four-member internal committee would be formed to investigate complaints of sexual harassment.
It did not name a member during the Apex Board meeting on Monday.
“The IC chairman officer is a woman employed at the senior level in the workplace (” presiding officer “),” read the policy.
“2 IC members will be selected from between employees, preferably committed to the cause of women or have experience in social work or have legal knowledge.” 1 IC member will be selected from non-governmental organizations or associations committed to the causes of women or someone who is familiar with problems related to sexual harassment (“external members”).
At least one half of IC members will become a woman.
“The complainant must submit a complaint within three months from the date of incident and IC will give seven working days to the defendant to respond to the accusation.
The respondents got 10 days to respond.
ICC got 90 days from the date of complaint to resolve the question and forward the recommendation to the BCCI Acting in it in 60 days.
The complainant or respondent can go to court if they are not satisfied with the BCCI decision..
“What must be done within 90 days of receipt of the ICC report.” Punishment included criticism, counseling, community service, warning, salary loss , loss of seniority, termination of employment between others million) and $ 5.5 million operating costs will be borne by ICC.
The total cost paid is $ 7Millon, “read the official record.
The majority of the matches will be played in the UAE.
Oman Cricket, who hosted six matches, got a $ 400,000.

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