BLOG: New Zealand won, India lost, it happens, it’s allowed – News2IN

BLOG: New Zealand won, India lost, it happens, it’s allowed

BLOG: New Zealand won, India lost, it happens, it's allowed
Written by news2in

Doctors vs Ramdev: Need science, not superstition to fight Covid

Wake up, grand old party: Regional parties do not add up to a pan-Indian whole.
Opposition desperately needs a Congress revamp

Congress should take note: People don’t quit parties, they quit bosses

Sikhs are different.
Routinisation of ‘sewa’ primes them to help others.
The pandemic demonstrated this

Beware the Twitter trap: Social media is a distraction, undeserving of so much sound and fury, whether from govts or the media

Long view from Ladakh: Galwan’s lesson is that India needs allies against China.
Three kinds of alliances are possible

Numbers tell the story: Assam CM should look at state’s fertility data

Uniform Civil Code: Make it a secular exercise

Let them eat … A diverse country will have diverse diets.
Politics over food is bad for national health

India’s place in Quad hinges on its ability to counter China, not Covid

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