Bowls and plates made by these women see high requests above – News2IN

Bowls and plates made by these women see high requests above

Bowls and plates made by these women see high requests above
Written by news2in

Prasagraj: In the village of Amahta Sawaiya from Pratapgarh Regency, a group of rustic women worked tirelessly to form “Dona and Pattal” (bowls and plates consisting of Sal or Banyan tree leaves) with the help of automatic machines.
Group 11 women, led by Pushpa and associated with one Swadaya group (SHG) Block Shivgrah is environmentally friendly manufacturing between 200 to 400 “Dona and Pattal” plates every day.
Interestingly, refined branded dishes have seen buyers not only from above but also from neighboring countries.
In addition, the demand for plate has increased in rural belts throughout the state.
Ratan Mishra, District Mission Manager (Pratapgarh), told TII, “a group of 11 women began working to produce plates” Dona and Pattal “from April this year after investing around Rs 1.5 lakh.
They buy a semi-automatic machine and now Generating Rs 8,000 per month.
“He further added,” We have organized a Malen Weeklong training camp “Dona and Pattal” for women in the village of Amahta Sawaiiya where women are taught the entire process of making machines.
” This step begins under the mission of the upside rural livelihood (UPSRLM) and also aims to facilitate the financial independence of rural women associated with self-help group.
He, however, said the project of making “Dona and Pattal” began to produce good results since the installation of machines when women group began to receive orders from the Pratapgarh local market and neighboring districts such as Sultanpur and Jaunpur.
At present, women make all types and various forms of “Dona and Pattal” plates according to market needs and send consignments.
Kavita, a woman, said that the plate “Dona and Pattal” is environmentally friendly and can be easily discarded after use.
“He added,” Not only made of plant leaves, but also does not damage our ecosystem.
“He further said that the demand for the” Dona and Pattal “plate has increased multiply during local exhibitions and large religious meetings such as Kumbh or Ardh Kumbh on Where plastic articles and thermocols are completely prohibited “.
Laxmi, another woman, said, “People have become very aware of environmental protection and they ask” Dona and Pattal “which are better and smoother because they serve various kinds of food during the event.
He said that government agencies must promote natural products Like ‘Dona and Pattals’ who are environmentally friendly.
“In addition, women’s groups were also involved in making” Phoolbati “in Parasherour Village under the Mangraura Block from the same district and more interesting rural women to this company from Manufacturing” Phoolbati “.
UPSRLM officials claim that women are providing training to make “Dona and Pattal”, Murtis and “Phoolbati” with the aim of creating entrepreneurs and empower women in rural areas.

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