City Resident provides free goat milk to help dengue fever patients, DOC says there is no scientific evidence – News2IN

City Resident provides free goat milk to help dengue fever patients, DOC says there is no scientific evidence

Written by news2in

Prayagraj: With the city witnessed the increasing number of cases of dengue and according to general human beliefs that goat milk should be effective in increasing the number of blood platelets, these animal owners have begun to climb the price of goat’s milk until RSTO RSTO RSTO.
However, the city also has some good Samaritans such as Sanjay advice aka Guddu Bhai, a resident of Chatham’s line of Prayagraj, which provides free goat milk to around 50 people every morning.
The district has recorded 891 cases of dengue fever so, 643 was reported in urban bags, while the remaining 248 in rural areas.
Previously, the entrepreneurs used to run tea shops on the road to Iswar suggestion DeGree College (ISDC), but the pandemic forced him to close the store and he could barely meet.
However, despite facing challenges, he refrained from collecting money for his goat milk given to a number of residents of Sangam City who visited his house every morning to collect around 100 milliliters (ml) goat’s milk, believing that consuming the same thing would increase the number of patient blood platelets .
“Even though, before I used to have around 100 goats, but now the amount fell to only seven.
But because they all produce milk and people believe that goat’s milk helps fight dengue fever and the number of fallen platelets, I think to donate the same thing To those who need it.
Although, I don’t ask for money but there are some, among the many people who come every day to get milk, which gives the money I keep for my goat feed, “said Guddu.
It’s been more than two months that Guddu has provided around 100-150ml of milk up to 50-60 people every day.
But because the outbreak of the disease worsened in the city, more and more people came to their homes.
However, Medico City has a different perceptive in terms of consuming goat milk in connection with the benefits for dengue fever patients.
“As far as the standard protocol or practice, in terms of caring for dengue fever patients, there is no evidence that goat milk has benefits in increasing platelet counts.
In addition, we never recommend consuming milk without boiling it and people have to refrain from the same,” The Associate Professor said at MLN Medical College and the Terminyak doctor at Manoj Mathur.

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