Cows must be used as a national animal, the fundamental protection of Hinduism: High Court of Allahabad – News2IN

Cows must be used as a national animal, the fundamental protection of Hinduism: High Court of Allahabad

Cows must be used as a national animal, the fundamental protection of Hinduism: High Court of Allahabad
Written by news2in

Prasagraj: Observing that cattle must be declared national animals and the protection is made of fundamental rights from Hindus because when the country’s culture and faith injured, the country became weak, the High Court of Allahabad on Wednesday denied guarantees to a man accused of cows.
Denying guarantees to Javed from Sambhal-Up District, justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav in his 12-page decision noted that the applicant had, after theft of cattle, killed him, cut it down and also maintained the meat.
“This is not the first violation of the Petitioner.
Previously, he had carried out a slaughter of cattle that had disrupted the harmony of the community,” said the court because he found that if the applicant was released with a guarantee, he would do the same more violations that would damage the community environment.
Rejecting the guarantee application, the court further observes, “The fundamental rights are not only prerogative rights of beef eating.
Instead, those who worship cattle and financially depend on them also have the right to live a deliberate life.
The right to life is above the right to kill And the right to eat beef can never be considered fundamental rights.
“The court said,” The government must also carry a bill in parliament and declare national cows and make close laws against those who talk about their harm.
Act must come for those who also talk about cow protection by making cowssheds, etc., but nothing to do with the protection of cattle.
The only purpose they are to get money on behalf of cow protection.
“” Protection and promotion of cattle is not about what religion even, but cattle are Indian culture and the work of saving culture is every time Arga country living in the country, regardless of religion or worship, “added the court.
“There are hundreds of examples in our country that every time we forget our ‘sanskriti’ (culture), strangers attack us and make slaves.
Even today if we don’t wake up, we shouldn’t forget the invasion and work of the autocratic autocratic Taliban, Afghanistan, “The court observed.
“India is the only country in the world where people from different religions live, who might worship differently, but their thinking is the same for the country and they respect their respective religions.
They respect customs and food habits like that.
In Such a situation, when everyone stepped forward to unite India and support his faith, so some people who did not have faith for the interests of the country, took the action to weaken it, “the court further.
Emphasizing the significance attached to cattle, the court said, “Not because only Hindus who understand the importance of cattle, Muslim rulers also consider cows as an important part of Indian culture during their government.
Babur, Humayun and Akbar have been banned.
Cow slaughter at their religious festivals .
The ruler of MySure Hyder Ali has made a beef massacre of a violation that can be respected.
Three members of the cattle protection committee founded by the government in 1953 were Muslim and committed to prohibiting the massacre of cattle.

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