Dharwad: The village protested against erratic water supply – News2IN

Dharwad: The village protested against erratic water supply

Dharwad: The village protested against erratic water supply
Written by news2in

Dharwad: Even when the government talks about supplying Malaprabha water to all Dharwad villages, many of them in Dharwad Taluk, which are closer to the Malaprabha reservoir, face problems with irregular water supply.
People from the villages that came under the uppinabethraber GP in Taluk held a demonstration on Monday in front of the DC office, demanding regular water supply.
As part of a demonstration of protests, women marched to the DC office carrying an empty pot in their head.
The villagers say that three villages, come under the uppinbeteri GP with a population of 20,000, need 9 latris per day.
However, only 4 lakh water (less than 50% of the requirements) provided, they are Ruja.
Because of the erratic water supply schedule, villagers were forced to store water for 15 days.
“When water is supplied through a pipe placed three decades ago, the water leaked at several points and was also contaminated.
By consuming this water, people fell ill,” said a village resident.
“There are examples of worms found in water, and this causes an increase in the disease transmitted through water.
The doctor has advised people to drink clean and pure water, but the villagers cannot obtain it,” he urged.
Even after bringing problems to local MLA notifications and higher officials, there are no steps taken for regular water supplies, they accuse.
They also urge administration and take steps to install new water pipes.

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