For Krunal and I lockdown was a phase of improvement: Hardik – News2IN

For Krunal and I lockdown was a phase of improvement: Hardik

For Krunal and I lockdown was a phase of improvement: Hardik
Written by news2in

One of the immediate by-products of the lockdown last year was that families spent a lot of time together in their homes.
Across India, families suddenly had a lot of time together.
For those who usually don’t get to spend too much time with their families, this was an opportunity to make up for lost time.
Like most Indians, cricketers Krunal and Hardik Pandya also spent a lot of time with family during the lockdown period.
The Pandya brothers were the guests on episode 1 of Times of India’s brand new sports podcast – Times of India Sportscast and in a freewheeling conversation Krunal and Hardik talked about multiple things, including their careers, how it was their father’s vision and support that took them to where they are now, life on and off the field, the Covid situation, how they are helping people, especially in rural areas, and much more.
This is an excerpt…Talking about the current situation that the world finds itself in, Krunal said – “What we have realised, like last time, also when there was a lockdown, as a country, as the world, we are going through one of the toughest times in terms of what is happening outside.
This year also, with the IPL being cancelled.
It was unfortunate.
It was a concern, in fact, the way the cases were escalating in India.
So obviously, it’s been a very very tough time in terms of what we are facing as a country.” On the Times of India podcast – Sportscast.Hardik meanwhile talked about how the brothers used the lockdown period last year to improve themselves in all facets of life.
“Last year, it (the lockdown) helped us improve as overall individuals.
For us it was more important because we could spend time on our skills, we were able to improve our fitness, because we had time and, by God’s grace, we have a gym where we can work out as well.
And we got to spend time with each other.
As individuals we are very honest with each other.
So if something was wrong about Krunal, I told him.
If something was wrong about me, he told me.
For us it was an improvement phase and our goals changed in life.
We got so much time that we spoke about everything, from our cricket to our lives….We improved as humans as well….The lockdown period made us brutally honest.” Hardik said on the new Times of India podcast – Sportscast.The brothers also talked about their father who played an invaluable role in supporting them and helping them become cricketers and finding success.
“We have always said that whatever we are and wherever we are, it’s because of our father’s struggle and vision.
When I was six and Hardik was 3 or 4, we never imagined playing for India or what we want to do in life.
It was his vision.
He saw me and said – ‘my kids will play for India’.” Krunal said on the Times of India Sportscast podcast.Listen to an excerpt of the Pandya brothers talking about the time they spent with their father before he passed away earlier this year: The Pandya brothers on the TOI Sportscast podcastThe Times of India Sportscast podcast is live now.
You can listen to the full episode with Krunal and Hardik Pandya on the podcast section of can also catch the full episode with the Pandya brothers as part of the new Times of India Sportscast podcast on all prominent podcast apps.
The podcast will be available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon Music,, JioSaavan and others.
A new episode will be up every Saturday morning.

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