Ganga, Yamuna inched towards a danger sign – News2IN

Ganga, Yamuna inched towards a danger sign

Written by news2in

Prasagraj: With water levels in Ganga and Yamuna are quickly close to the danger (84.73 meters), the flood situation gets Grimmer in Sangam City and side by side with rural areas.
District administration is a high warning and people living in low lay eggs in the city shift to safer places.
Those who don’t want to leave their homes have shifted to the upper floor of their house when water has flooded several areas.
The ganga water level, as recorded at 4 pm on Saturday at Phaphamau, is 84.03 meters, and in Chhatnag, it’s 83.30 meters.
Likewise, Yamuna’s water level, as recorded at the same time in Nini, is 83.88 meters.
Both rivers continued to increase at three points at a speed of around 10-11 cm (since the last four hours).
In accordance with the department of irrigation, it can touch the danger level on Sunday (August 8 in the afternoon.
Flood water has entered several areas such as Ganga Nagar, Nevada, Ashok Nagar, buy Gaon, part of Rajapur, Salori, Bada and Chota Baghara, Badra, Sebahuti, DaraGanj and Nagvasi Receding after reaching the level of danger.
Some students, who live in rented accommodation and recently returned from their village after a decrease in Covid cases, have evacuated rooms and began to return to their original places.
“We are afraid if water is flooded, like that warned by the authorities, increasing further, flood water can enter our territory through a gutter, “said Abbas Ali, a resident of Yabad.
Sadadadur, Karelabagh, Kareli, Ghausnagar and Areas near the Sasur Khederi River are in a high warning.
However, people complained that they were not warned by administration, and fear of flooding into their area overnight.
When several areas were flooded, several flood assistance camps were being founded by the government to provide adequate facilities to affected people.
However, those who live in these camps complained about non-hygienic conditions and inadequate facilities.
Meanwhile, administration and NDRF help locals and maintain strict surprises on the surface of the water.
“We keep a watch close on the surface of the water, and is ready to help locals and when needed,” said the Department of Irrigation Executive Engineer, Brijesh Kumar Verma.

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