HC Attempts UP Govt Response in plea on Lost IPS officer – News2IN

HC Attempts UP Govt Response in plea on Lost IPS officer

Written by news2in

Prayagraj: The Allahabad high court on Thursday directed the state government to file counter affidavit (answer ) in response to a habeas corpus writ petition seeking creation of Mani Lal Patidar, IPS officer and also ex-superintendent of authorities, Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh.
A petition has also been forced to initiate evaluation in the subject of Patidar via Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as based on the request that he was missing and isn’t traceable.
It had been alleged in this petition filed by advocate Dr Mukut Nath Varma, who Patidar, who’s a former 2014 batch IPS officer, who was running operations against mining mafia and also in connection therewith his connections with specific sections from the government got sour.
Consequently, he was falsely implicated in a couple of instances.
This was that the apprehension of this petitioner the country respondents, that are high-profile officials at the country government, could have achieved something filthy because whereof Patidar has gone missing and isn’t traceable.
It’s also said that he had been planning to unravel any foul play at the government thus, it’s likely, his life could be in risk.
By expressing these apprehensions, such as that he is in the criminal custody of the nation respondents, this habeas corpus petition was filed.
Hearing the request, a division bench comprising Justice Manoj Misra and Justice Syed Aftab Husain Rizvi detected,”It isn’t in dispute which Mani Lal Patidar was at the police force of their State of Uttar Pradesh and had been a top ranking officer of the amount of superintendent of government, Mahoba.
This type of man having gone missing for the past couple of weeks is a critical matter.
Thus, it could be important to determine as to what measures were accepted by the government such as the investigating agency to apprehend himparticularly, when, to the showing of those respondents, even ” his anticipatory bail applications had been refused.
” While heading to to record this request on June 14, 2021, for another hearing, the court directed that the investigating agency, handling the evaluation of the instances currently pending/instituted contrary to Patidar to submit an affidavit saying especially, first regarding what attempts were made by these to detain Patidar following tracing his whereabouts, especially if the bail applications transferred by Patidar were refused.
Second, if any criticism or representation was obtained at any amount from the household members of Patidar of them with become untraceable, in that case, what action had been taken on such a criticism.
Ironically, if the inquiring agency has set on surveillance that the phone numbers understood to have been employed by Patidar to get in contact with his family members, friends, advises, if that’s the case, at which his final location was discovered.
Fourthly, if the statements of relatives of Patidar have already been listed to determine his whereabouts, in that case, the character of these statements shall be revealed.
Fifthly, if any coercive measures were taken, like under Section 82/83 Cr.
, to fasten the arrest/presence of Patidar, if this is so, the exact same shall be revealed.
But opposing the request, further advocate general (AAG), Manish Goyal filed that because Patidar is attempting to evade his arrest in situations in which he’s been implicated, to malign the government, this habeas corpus petition was filed with an undercover function.
In addition, he submitted that numerous allegations are created at the habeas corpus petition from the petitioner, who’s an advocate, where he does not have personal knowledge, so no cognizance ought to be taken by the court of these allegations.
He, nevertheless, couldn’t inform the whereabouts of all Patidar.

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