Bengaluru: India Space Research Organization (ISRO) is asking for a proposal for the twelve observation cycle that must be done by Astrosat, telescope based on India’s first room, through the announcement of the last chance (AO).
This announcement is open to scientists and Indian researchers who live and work at the Institute, University, Universities in India for 55% of the time and scientists and non-Indian researchers, NRI, working in space institutions, universities around the world For 20% of time, which is involved in research in the astronomy and equipped to submit a proposal as the main researcher (PIS).
Applicants must be equipped to submit a proposal as a PI for specific target observations with the necessary scientific and technical justifications and can analyze data, if the target is observed based on approval, the word ISRO, adds that in the twelfth cycle, “55% observed time available for Indian proposals 20% of time observations are for international proposals “and that the remaining time in this cycle is allocated for calibration, opportunity targets and” Astrosat Long Term Key Proposal (Alkpp).
Astrosat is the first dedicated Indian astronomy mission aimed at studying the sources of celestial in X-Ray and UV spectral bands simultaneously.
Satellites are at 650 km of equatorial orbits close to the slope of the six degrees.
Astrosat completes six years in orbit at the end of September 2021 and the eleventh cycle proposal is being executed.
And, observations for the twelve cycles will be carried out between October, 2022 to Se PTember 2023.
“A large number of Astrosat observations are available for proposals, both India and internationally.
Observations will be planned according to mission scheduling.
PI will be informed, after completion of successful observation for downloading level-1 data that is processed, “ISRO said.
The space agency added that after an exclusive period of 12 months, archived data will be open to registered users and will be available to the public.