Karnataka: 29 Children diagnosed with mis-c in 2 districts – News2IN

Karnataka: 29 Children diagnosed with mis-c in 2 districts

In the past month, there are 29 cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a condition associated with Covid-19, in the Ballari district and Vijayanagar.
One patient, a baby aged a year, died, and this was considered the first case in the state.
Of the 29 children, 25 have been repatriated, while three have been treated at the Vijayanagar Medical Institute (VIMS) in Ballari.
Everything is under 14 years old.
According to Ballari District Health Officers, Dr.
HL Janardhan, Mis-C mainly developed in children with Covid-19 history.
Parents are concerned ahead of the third wave of potential pandemic.
But Dr.
Janardhan tried to eliminate fear, said the condition could be treated with timely hospital care.
“There is no need for parents to panic.
But someone must take precautions,” he said.
Durgappa H from the Pediatric Department VIMS said that MIS-C was a new syndrome seen in children after recovery from SARS-COV-2 infection.
“It usually happens four to six weeks after the Koronavirus infection and is likely to be a hyper-inflammatory syndrome that is led.
Fever, red eyes without disposal, rash, acute onset of cervical lymphadenopathy, severe abdominal pain, sudden headaches and behavioral changes are one Misc symptoms, “said Dr.
He added that early diagnosis and treatment initiates are very important.
All children with mis-C must be followed up for the first few months.
“Severe cases require an Intravenous Immunoglobulin Administration, which has shown results,” he said.
Rajkumar Marol, a pediatrician, said that MISC can be diagnosed with clinically and through various techniques such as kidney screening, heart and liver.
“Children affected need immediate medical attention,” he stressed.

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