More than 5K people choose notes in the twin cities – News2IN

More than 5K people choose notes in the twin cities

Written by news2in

Hubballi: For the first time, the residents of the twins were offered the choice of ‘Nothing above (note)’ on the electronic voting machine (EVMS) in election to the Hubballi-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) board, and indicators were that people People don’t refuse to reject all candidates.
In 75 of the 82 wards in the recent election it was concluded to the HDMC Board, the note voted in two digits, while in six wards, the note voted in three digits.
Overall, as many as 5,199 residents in twin cities choose a note.
Facts, in some wards, more voters choose the notes than they do for some candidates, while in some people who reject all other candidates decide the winner.
Margin of Victory in many seats is equivalent to the number of votes registered against the Note.
Activists and political observers have shown that the note tends to play a decisive role in deciding the results of polls to urban local agencies (ULB) in Karnataka.Advocational and activist residents of Basavaprabhu Hosakeri said that preferences between a large number of voters for notes is an indication of unhappiness They are with candidates chosen by the parties.
“People are not worried about policies while choosing in the election of ULB.
People are familiar with candidates, at least to some extent, and when they choose a note, they explain that they are not happy with them all.
It is impossible that the note will ring in change which sweeps in the selection process, but will certainly function as a warning to the parties to be more careful in choosing their candidates.
When 100 people choose a note, parties must understand that there are many people who have rejected them all, “Hosakeri said .
Use some observations of hosakeri, said activist Dr.
Mc Sindhur, “Selecting a note may not have an impact on the whole result or influence the chances of winning candidates.
But those who choose the notes to warn the parties today, this is a tool that we can express differences about the selection system but it must be strengthened to get our opinion.

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