More than 90% of cases in nk without symptoms – News2IN

More than 90% of cases in nk without symptoms

Written by news2in

Hubballi: The month after the second wave of Covid-19 tapered, North Kartnataka witnessed a surge in the number of new cases, encouraging the authorities to increase steps to ensure the rights of safety norms.
Those who are found do not wear masks, and do not maintain a safe distance from each other fined, while the authorities have given more encouragement to drive vaccination.
Despite a surge in the number of new cases reported throughout the region – while most of the districts reported cases in one digit until a few weeks ago, most of them registered new cases in two digits, while some have started reporting new cases in three Digits – almost 95% to 96% of positive testing for asymptomatic positive coronavirus, with only 1-2% of patients who need hospitalization to 804, as on Thursday.
However, 96% of those who were infected asymptomatik, while the amount hospitalized was less than 2%.
The remaining patients have very lightweight fever, and cough.
“Supervisor of the Institute of Medical Sciences Karnataka (KIMS), Hubballi Dr.
Arkumar said,” We have arranged 1,000 beds for covid patients.
We also ensure that there are enough beds with oxygen and ventilator support.
As on Thursday, there were 12 covid patients at KimS, including two were being supplied by oxygen, while someone was in an intensive care unit.
“Bellagavi Dho Dr.
Shashikanth Muniyal said that the situation was the same in border districts as well.
Of 957 active cases, 95 to 96% asymptomatic, he said.” Very few patients suffer from lightweight fever, and display symptoms similar to influenza such as influenza.
Patients with co-morbidity are hospitalized, while asymptomatic patients are isolated at home, “he said.
Although 560 beds have been provided for covid patients at the Bidar Medical Institute, very few patients were treated there since most of the infected individuals did not display Any symptoms, Bidar Dho Dr.
Ratakant Swamy.
The only district where the situation is different is Kalaburagi.
“Nearly 50% of covid-infected patients feature symptoms such as mild and cough fever,” said Dho Dr.
Sharanappa.a Team Doctor It has been formed in all districts to visit patients who do not need to do it hospitalized.
“These doctors will monitor the patient’s condition, and make a decision to recognize them to the hospital if necessary,” said a source.

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