Player safety, important paramount important stakeholders: Ganguly – News2IN

Player safety, important paramount important stakeholders: Ganguly

Player safety, important paramount important stakeholders: Ganguly
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The Control Board for Cricket in India (BCCI) President Sourav Ganguly on Monday said “Player Security and other stakeholders” is “the most important interest” and remembers it was decided to shift the ICC T20 World Cup to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“We want to tell you that we have discussed this issue with ICC and has had several rounds of discussion internally,” Ganguly said in a letter to all BCCI members.
“After many deliberation, it has been decided that the security of players and other stakeholders is very important and remembering, the best is we shift the T20 World Cup T20 Male to the United Arab Emirates and Oman.” Not easy decisions and we pondered it for months, constantly watching the Covid situation so far.
However, with the second wave causing such destruction, the decision was finally boiled into the safety and welfare of the players and organizers.
“Although vaccination in this country will be at a breakneck speed, there are third wave reports and different variants, which we cannot ignore.
There is nothing more we can want than to host this prestigious tournament in India, but it does not,” he added.
Previously, the ICC had clarified that BCCI would maintain the rights of tournament hosting even if it was moved from India.
President BCCI confirmed that BCCI continued to host the T20 World Cup ICC and because of previous experience of IPL hosting in the UAE, Ganguly was sure to hold an exhibition event smoothly.
“On the brighter side, BCCI remains the host of the T20 ICC Men’s World Cup and with previous experience in IPL hosting in the UAE, we can say for sure that it will be hosted smoothly, and BCCI will not be missed to make it Success that has never happened before, “Ganguly said.
“We are grateful for your sustainable support and we hope that you will provide without wheat support on this problem, as you have done in the past,” he added.
Meanwhile, the 14th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) will also be completed in the UAE.
Ani has reported that the IPL arranged to take place on September 19 and the final must be played on October 15.

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