Prasagraj: 28 Police Task Task Magh Mela Positive for Covid-19 – News2IN

Prasagraj: 28 Police Task Task Magh Mela Positive for Covid-19

Prasagraj: 28 Police Task Task Magh Mela Positive for Covid-19
Written by news2in

Prasagraj: A total of 28 police officers, including 24 of the PAC Battalion and four on the reserve police line, have been tested positive for Covid-19 infection on the Magh Mela campus in Prayagraj.
With this, a total of 39 police have been positively tested for deadly infections, so far.
All 28 police officers, who were tested positively on Wednesday, had shifted to the One-Level One Covid-19 Hospital in Kotawa Bani for treatment.
The Chairperson of the Additional Medical and Officer of the Nodal Officer Dr.
Rishi Sahai said the sample of more than 300 police was collected on Tuesday through RT-PCR after they complained about mild symptoms.
Sahai further added that the health team had collected a total of 11,500 samples for testing since January 1 and 41 of them, including 39 police and two visitors positively tested Covid infection so far.
Until now, more than 2,500 police arrived at the Mela campus of various parts of the country.
With almost 24 hours left for Magh Mela where Lakh Pilgrims will take Sacred Saud on the occasion of Sankranti Makar on January 14, as many as 14 health teams have started thermal screening at the entry point.
More than a dozen teams have also been engaged to collect samples from peram camps, people enclosures, calcipation and government offices.
However, Mela police authority stated that all preventive measures have begun and wore masks have been made mandatory for all police in the Reserve Police Channel and Mela campus, the government office, police police and police posts.
Sanitation exercises have also been carried out on the reserve police line and others side by side with campus.

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