Right Eating is a Cricketers Mantra Karnataka – News2IN

Right Eating is a Cricketers Mantra Karnataka

Right Eating is a Cricketers Mantra Karnataka
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Eat right is not just a FAD diet for sportsmen, it is a lifestyle pattern.
To ensure players remain healthy, the Karnataka Kricket Association of the State has associated in the Nutrition of Sports Divya K Purushhotham to monitor the daily intake of senior men and U-25 teams.
The Karnataka team is one of the rare groups in this country to find the services of an expert.
Divya, a chennai-based sports nutritionist, has coordinated with team hotels to ensure the players stick to their diet chart and interact with the players individually to implement the plan.
Nutrition experts are a must for the team now, especially because they spend 5-6 days in quarantine before the league and the knockout phase of all domestic competitions.
Speaking to Toi about what entered the team diet planning, Divya, who has more than a decade working with athletes crossing sports, explaining: “They get food in quarantine but what we have to do is that they will practice their rooms.
We Coordinating with chefs on the hotel team, coaches and individual players to understand the requirements.
Also, their food preferences must be taken into account since some of them are vegetarians.
“Coordination with Tim hotels, Divya shows,” We asked the chefs to change the menu according to their needs Diet.
Sometimes they give them desserts, which are prohibited during the tournament.
Instead, we choose some extra of sauteed vegetables.
“Divya also revealed that the diet plan varied depending on the player’s specialization.
“Diet plans change according to the position they play.
This is different for BATSMEN compared to the bowler.
Even among Bowlers, Pacer nutrition requirements are different from spinners.
Pacers get more carbohydrates and protein, which is very important for their recovery.” To help players Avoid unhealthy food, Divya reveals the energy bar is available.
“We have introduced a custom-made energy bar, which is rich in antioxidants that help recovery and supplements,” he added.
It’s not just food, even hydration players have focused.
“In our hydration must bring change because the right amount of energy drinks needs to be consumed.
We have provided energy drinks in the portion measured to players individually,” he said.
Do-it-yourself Kitswith limited resources in the middle of a pandemic, the player has been given a list of basic ingredients that will be carried out on the tour.
Although it has not been implemented for the Karnataka senior team, the U-25 team has been given a list of materials for their DO-I-Yourself (DIY) kit.
“U-25 players have been asked to bring cinnamon powder, turmeric, and pepper which is a booster immunity.
They have to mix ingredients in water and drink before going to bed.
In the future we will ask senior players to do the same,” Divya said.
‘Nutrition plays the main role of the strength and condition of the senior team’s senior team in Rajamani Prabhu said, “Nutrition plays a major role in a player’s career.
During the tournament course, if they wear even 500GM, it affects them drastically, reduces their reactive time and speed.
It is also important for recovery.
With a nutritionist, we can now monitor the daily intake of the players.

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