SDPI warns protests if the Kapalshalkal circle is named after Savarkar – News2IN

SDPI warns protests if the Kapalshalkal circle is named after Savarkar

Written by news2in

Mangaluru: The Indian Social Democratic Party (SDPI) has warned protests in all districts against the decision of Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) to mention the circle in Junction Kapaykal after Veer Savarkar.
The MCC Board meeting held on Saturday has referred to a proposal in this case with the Committee in Planning City.
In fact, the proposal in this matter is debated by Mangaluru City North MLA Y Bharath Shetty from BJP.
“Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is a freedom fighters who dedicate his life to the nation at a young age.
Therefore, to commemorate his sacrifice, the circle at the intersection of the Kapathkal must be named after,” MLA wrote to City Corporation.
Corporators from SDPI Muneb Bengre, Shamsad Aboobakker and opposition leaders from Congress A C Vinayaraj have requested notice for the City Planning Standard Committee meeting which is expected to discuss the proposal.
Corporator Muneeb Bengre told Toi that SDPI would move legally to the proposal to naming Junction Kapaykal after Savarkar.
Bengre said that he would oppose proposals at the city planning committee meeting.
Meanwhile SDPI SaThkal Block President Salam Kana said BJP was trying to deviate from people from the core problem by proposing to mention the circle after Savarkar.
“SDPI will not tolerate the hidden agenda of Sangh Parivar from charming heart.
We will protest along with associations with the same-minded parties and organizations.
City Corporation must reject the proposal and concentrate to resolve various civil issues.
Suratshalkal is an area that is communal sensitive, but In recent years, there was a communal harmony.
However, BJP tried to disturb peace through a proposal, “he added.
According to officials, according to the direction of the government in 2009, the Committee of the City Planning of Urban Local Agencies can verify the proposal and the same thing needs to be published in two Kannada newspapers after council approval.
After that, objections and suggestions must be invited from the public within one month and must be placed before the board meeting again before sending it to the government to be approved.
EOM / 31 October 2021

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