Six police forge in the Mela area because they did not wear a mask – News2IN

Six police forge in the Mela area because they did not wear a mask

Written by news2in

Prasagraj: With the aim of preventing the spread of Covid-19 in the Magh Mela area and strictly upholding the Pandemic Protocol, Magh Mela police have started an intensive inspection drive against those who do not wear masks in the Mela region.
To start, the police on Wednesday left six of their own personnel, including five police officers and a head of a woman’s head even when Coronavirus took several police officers into his grip.
“We want to give a clear and hard message to everyone who comes to Magh Mela they must obey the norms that are set considering the Covid-19 pandemic.
Setting examples, we think of correcting our homes first and thus six police personnel are fined Because it doesn’t wear a mask, “said the police supervisor, Magh Mela, Rajiv Narayan Mishra.
Officials when talking to TOI added, “The drive will continue in the Mela area where the quantum is fine will increase every time someone is fined, to start with a fine RS 100 has been set for the first offender.” SP Mela Magh further said that police personnel repeatedly appealed to fortune tellers, worshipers and visitors who came to the Mela area to wear facemask and follow all the norms set below the Covid-19 protocol.
“However, making people aware and ask to have to go along with the deterrent and founder of the offenders is one such step,” Mishra added.
The six police, who did not wear masks in the Mela area, were lowered under Section 15 (3) rules over Covid-19 (second amendment) and mitigation fees were collected in that place.
All stations on charges have been instructed to inspect people who do not wear masks in their respective regions and in important places in the Mela area.
Magh Mela’s authorities had previously announced that not wearing a mask in the Mela area would invite a fine.
The authorities have also announced that every kalpwasi and Seer, camping in the Mela region must be vaccinated and must have a negative RPCR report with them.

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