Skeptical parents about reopening schools – News2IN

Skeptical parents about reopening schools

Written by news2in

Dharwad: The state government has decided that the school must continue the classes on campus for students from class one to eight, which has been suspended following Spurt in the Covid-19 case on January 11.
The Department of Public Teaching has been directed to close schools.
Where students or staff are positively testing for Coronavirus novels.
Although in the order issued on January 11, the government has asked the Ministry of Education to take into account the Covid Vis-à-Vis situation, which will be considered as a unit to decide on the class on campus, at the order released on Friday, officials were asked to consider each school as a separate unit.
Darwad Deputy Commissioner Nitesh Patil issued orders who asked all schools to continue the class on campus from Monday.
The order states that it must be three to five cases of Covid reported in school in the span of three days, the school must be closed for three days.
If the number of cases exceeds 20, the school will remain closed for seven days.
However, the government’s decision to continue the class on campus, has not been received without anxiety by parents.
“On Friday, we heard that 98 children and 17 teachers have been tested positively in Dharwad, and the government allows the resumption of classes on campus.
The district administration only follows the dictates of Bengaluru.
They should wait until the curve in Dharwad is flattened,” said Ramanda Acharya.

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