Swiss paper blames sexist title about the head of the WTO – News2IN

Swiss paper blames sexist title about the head of the WTO

Swiss paper blames sexist title about the head of the WTO
Written by news2in

Geneva: The media regulator blames the Swiss newspaper on Tuesday for sexism for the initial editor of this year describing the new head of the world trade organization that is very qualified only as “grandma”.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweal in March became the first woman and the first African to lead the WTO, following a long and high-powered career serving as the Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs in Nigeria’s origin and 25 years in the World Bank.
But when Aaraguer Zeitung Regional Daily announced the appointment of a 67-year-old Harvard development economist in February, he chose to focus his title to his role as a matriarch.
“This grandmother will be the WTO boss,” read the main editorial article published by Aargauer Zeitung and picked up by several other papers in February 9.
In the midst of a series of anger, the paper apologized, admitted that the title was “inappropriate and not suitable”.
The Swiss Press Council, an ethical organization of the media itself, examined allegations that the choice of paper words has been motivated by gender discrimination and / or racial discrimination.
In his decision issued on Tuesday, he said he could not determine whether discrimination based on the skin color had played a role.
“However,” he said, “it is clear that if this is about the former male financial and foreign minister in a country consisting of 200 million people, the title ‘A grandfather becomes Director General of the WTO’ will be unimaginable.” “Therefore, the Board considers discriminatory titles based on gender.”

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