The ECB launched an investigation into a post-ash drink session – News2IN

The ECB launched an investigation into a post-ash drink session

The ECB launched an investigation into a post-ash drink session
Written by news2in

Hobart: The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) have launched an investigation into a late night drinking session involving captain Joe’s root after the police were called to break the post ashes at the hotel.
Veteran England Pacer James Anderson and three Australian Alex Carey players, Travis head and Nathan Lyon are also seen in a video when they gather to mark the end of ash at the Hobart tourist hotel, according to a report.
The ECB on Tuesday said he was investigating the incident.
“During the early hours of Monday morning, members of the British and Australian team shared drinks in the hotel team area in Hobart,” ECB said.
“Hotel management received noise complaints by hotel guests, and as did Halm in Australia, the local police attended the scene,” said the statement.
“When asked to go with the management of the hotel and the Tasmanian police, the players and management were questioned and returned to their respective hotel rooms.
The British party has apologized for the inconvenience caused.” Video, which has become a viral, allegedly taken by the British assistant Graham Thorpe.
The players were seen confronted by at least four police officers who told them to close the party and disperse.
“Lyon and Carey are still playing white after limiting the victory of ash 4-0 over England the night before,” ‘Fox Sports’ reported.
“The Tasmanian police confirmed that they were called to Crowne Plaza Hotel after 06:00 local time after the report” drunk people “but said there was no further action to be taken.” In that video, the player group was asked to stop drinking and moving inside from the roof terrace.
According to the report, a police officer can be heard saying: “Too hard.
You are clearly asked to pack, so we are asked to come.” “It’s time to sleep.
Thank you.
They just want to pack.” According to Tasmanian police spokesman, the officer has moved the player from a bar at the Crowne Plaza Hotel after noise complaints.
“Tasmanian police attended the Hobart Crowne Plaza on Monday morning after the report made of drunk people in the function area,” spokesman.
Tell ‘The Daily Delegraph’.
“The guests were said by the police after 6 am and left the area when asked.
There is no further action to be taken by the police.” According to ‘BBC Sport’, Thorpe said he was recording the “for lawyer” process.

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