The governor distributes toys between the children of you and – News2IN

The governor distributes toys between the children of you and

Written by news2in

Prasagraj: Governor of the State of Anandiben Patel on Sunday called elite classes, universities and colleges affiliated with the university to adopt the center of the aganwari so that children who come in the holders of this widewari get all kinds of Pradhans and other basic facilities in a function held On the University campus Prof.
Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya).
He was separated from distributing toys, furniture, and other kits among children from 35 Angganwari centers, also interacting with five pregnant women including Antima Sahoo, Renu, Antima Mishra, Rani Giri and Sarita and performed baby shower rituals.
He said that poor children came in the holding centers and it was our responsibility to offer them better facilities in these centers and take care of the right children.
He also asked that work workers had to offer the right diet to children because they were the future of the country.
With all the basic facilities available at the Center of Angganwari, there will be a development of children who are better and physically and physically.
He said that people in the city, instead of celebrating their birthdays elsewhere or having a party, had to try to spend their time with these children in the holding centers.
The governor also requested Gram Pradhans, regardless of village development, they must identify and adopt children who suffer from malnutrition and tuberculosis of their respective villages.
There also needs to be connected well from village amilies in noble work.
He also asked Asha and other health workers to ensure that no shipment must be made at home and pregnant women must be given proper care and nutrients.
Meanwhile, the Governor of Anandiben Patel was also dedicated (Lokarpan) of the new University of Prof.
Rajendra Singh Building (Rajju Bhaiya).
He also launched the Statue of Prof.
Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) and planted young trees on the University campus.

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