There are significant financial implications & reputation problems: Lancashire CEO – News2IN

There are significant financial implications & reputation problems: Lancashire CEO

There are significant financial implications & reputation problems: Lancashire CEO
Written by news2in

Manchester: Cancellation of the fifth test between India and the United Kingdom will have significant financial implications and also have an impact on the reputation of the prestigious Old Trafford venue, said CEO Lancashire County Cricket Club Daniel Gidney on Friday.
The final test here was canceled only a few hours before the beginning amid fears of further deployment Covid-19 during the match after India Physio Yogesh Parmar was tested positive for the feared virus on Thursday.
“Obviously there are significant financial implications.
Obviously we have a reputation problem too, I mean, Old Trafford has a proud history of the Cricket Test Test will return to more than 100 years.
We are truly broken hearted and destroyed,” Gidney said to Skysports.
“I feel for all of our staff, suppliers, stakeholders, partners, and sponsors today.
Also read vs.
England: Test 5 Postponed, for rescheduled; Series Stand ready 2-1 in the English Favor UK test between England and India is scheduled to start at Old Trafford in Manchester, it has been postponed without a time limit later, maybe next year.
The series will stand 2-1 in Indian assistance until each time the Fifth test match is played.
For now, the Indian team will be finished “but above all ticket holders, everyone who spends their hard money in the midst of pandemic difficulties over the past few months, who have been desperate to watch a fantastic cricket match and unfortunately they can’t do it and on behalf of Lancashire Cricket club, I really regret that Fans have been left so disappointed.
“Gidney admitted the situation was not in their control and promised to refund full money to the ticket holder.” …
all fans and ticket holders will get a full refund, we only do all the details with the current ECB.
I can only apologize, it is very very challenging all the disorders and discomfort caused by guests and ticket buyers.
“Also read vs.
England: ‘2-2 or 2-1 not for the ECB to decide; if the match does not occur, if the match does not occur; let the ICC Intervene’soon after it appears that the fifth test between Britain and India has been canceled, the point The talks are whether this series has ended 2-2 in favor of Britain and India or 2-1 in Indian aid.
Since then the two boards have agreed that they saw reschedulch Trafford Testold had no fans for test matches since ash in 2019 and there was no game Five days scheduled next year and Gidney said it was difficult to accept it.
“Very challenging to go four years without fans here for a test match, we are a venue here more than 100 years, so it’s difficult …
something that is a bitter pill for Shallow but here we, that’s what we need to do.
“We need to make sure that future games at Old Trafford, we do our best for our customers.”

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