Third wave: experts warn people not to be complacent – News2IN

Third wave: experts warn people not to be complacent

Third wave: experts warn people not to be complacent
Written by news2in

Dharwad: People have paid dearly to be negligent to maintain the Covid-19 protocol during the second wave.
The Dharwad district has recorded 25,281 cases in May and 266 deaths.
In June, due to strict locking and steps there were 4,239 positive cases and 237 deaths.
In July, the district recorded only 523 positive cases and 72 deaths.
In the first week of August, there have been fluctuations in the number of cases and death.
Experts warn that the third wave can have a devastating effect if people continue to compare.
If the third wave occurs during the rainy season, it can prove the disaster because people will usually be susceptible to cold, coughing, fever and respiratory problems and the immune level will be low.
“Unfortunately, people think that by taking two doses of vaccines, they are truly safe.
The government easing locking limit is to enable economic activities and recovery of normal life.
Appears with motorists that people must strictly follow the right behavior of Covid.
But people Thinking they can drop their guards.
This tendency will prove dangerously, “a doctor said.
The surge in Covid cases in Kerala and Maharashtra must be taken as a warning bell in North Karnataka Regency, Add a doctor.
The people in Dharwad, who are one of the top five districts in Covid’s case during the second wave, returned to their careless ways after a decrease in the case.
Referring to the fear that children will be more susceptible to Covid during the possible third wave, a senior pediatrician may not occur because both young parents will be vaccinated and their chances of spreading lack of infection.
“Usually children do not suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases.
It was observed in the first and second waves that they with this disease suffer greatly.
Therefore, even infected children, the level of recovery will be much faster,” he said.
Deputy Commissioner Nitesh Patil said the government had made all arrangements to provide medical facilities to those infected.
500 beds have been booked at a government hospital.
Because more than 65% of people in the district have been vaccinated, health experts believe that if there is a third wave, the impact will be very lacking.
But people must continue to be careful, he added.

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